"Well Good Morning Hazel! Aren't you a ray of sunshine today!"
There is never a shortage of cuteness in the mornings, especially when Hazel gets her hands on Gramma's glasses!
Dying eggs with the children this year was very fun, it became a competition to see who could get the darkest egg. Hazel actually made the darkest eggs and had an amazing amount of patience for letting them sit for a 3-year-old, more than the rest of us! We were using left over egg color from last year, some of which had crumbled so the colors had mixed. We had some unusual, but very pretty, eggs!

Me and the girls all had Grandma Bartons' aprons on. Mine is one that my mother had found that grandma had only half sewn together. She had all the patchwork done, but didn't quite get it completed. My momma finished it for me and I love it! :)

We had a really nice Easter this year. We started the day at church, reflected on the sacrifice made at the cross and the reason we celebrate Easter. After church we spent the day at my moms, hunted eggs with the kids, played ping pong, ate good food and enjoyed the day with family. The children remarkable stayed clean in their Easter best and even though we all had a little too much sugar, it was a beautiful day, we even got a little sun! :)

Paul and I after church, waiting on my moms good food! There is nothing better than going "home" and having your mom cook for you!

Me and my gorgeous girls (This is me happy and dry before my son surprised me from behind by dumping water on my head!)

Mr. Handsome Watching his Dad (Mr. Handsome, SR) play ping pong.
Your kids are SOOOOOO cute!! I am very bummed that I missed you guys on Sunday:( sad